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Beet Sugar, Одеська обл.

Beet Sugar, Одеська обл.

Регіон: Одеська обл.
I am reaching out to you Concept A.Ş. Turkey, which supports companies' foreign trade business through various representations around the world.

Our company works in the field of brokerage to sell many products with its experienced staff.

Our company would like to cooperate with you in the sale of products Beet Sugar
We have cilents who with different delivery ports Sugar (especially beet sugar)

If we can get you information about the technical and commercial terms and prices of these products, we will be happy to help you sell your products.

Best regards
Yetkin Akın
+90 533 445 40 73
Автор, контакти
Yetkin Akın /  відгуки, інфо. /  оцінка активності
ID оголошення: #1233912 (додано зареєстрованим користувачем, дата реєстрації: 10-02-2023)
Додано / Оновлено: 06-06-2023 15:34   (актуальне, до: 05-06-2024)
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