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Organic sunflower oil, Миколаївська обл.
Organic sunflower oil
Продам / купити

Organic sunflower oil, Миколаївська обл.

Регіон: вся Україна, Миколаївська обл.
Архівне оголошення
Знайти схожі
OLIYATORG Group of Companies is one of the biggest Producers of organic sunflower oil and cake in Ukraine with production capacity more than 60000 tons annually.
We use two-stage pressing technology without any chemicals to be involved in production.
Our facility is GMP+ certified and complies EU and US standards for organic production.
Our own factory and cutting-edge laboratory ensure the highest quality of our products and full accordance to organic standards.

- Linoleic crude sunflower oil [ORGANIC] (//agro-ukraine.com)
- High oleic crude sunflower oil [ORGANIC]
- Linoleic refined sunflower oil [ORGANIC]
- High oleic refined sunflower oil [ORGANIC]
- Sunflower cake [ORGANIC]
- Traditional sunflower cake
- Traditional crude sunflower oil (both linoleic and high oleic) by using two-stage pressing technology.

Our products are certified in conformity with Organic Standards: NOP / EU / COR - according to Client's requirements.
ID оголошення: #1077383 (додано зареєстрованим користувачем)
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Олія соняшникова / Sunflower oil
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